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Just like humans, dogs and cats need their own canine and feline vaccines. They prevent devastating illnesses, which can be transferred from animal to animal, so your pets can live a long and healthy life.

Although the rabies vaccine is the only vaccine that is required by law for your pet, we also recommend vaccines to protect your pet against other diseases as well.

Core vaccines’ are what we consider vital to all dogs and cats based on universal risk of exposure and the severity of the disease. Core vaccines not only protect your pet, but since they prevent the disease, it helps limit the transmission of the disease to other potentially unvaccinated pets, other animals or in some cases, humans.

Core vaccines for Dogs:

  • Rabies
  • Parvovirus
  • Distemper
  • Hepatitis

Non-core vaccines include

  • Canine Influenza
  • Bordetella
  • Leptospirosis
  • Lyme Disease

These ‘non-core’ vaccines are important, too. Pets with compromised immune systems or other chronic health problems can face life-threatening complications from these illnesses. Talk with us about your pet’s lifestyle and we can assist you in making the best vaccination choices for your pet based on their risk factors.

Core vaccines for Cats

  • Rabies

The FVRCP vaccine is a combination vaccine that protects your cat against feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia. Panleukopenia is often also called feline distemper- but it’s not
related to distemper that can affect dogs. Actually, feline distemper is more closely related to canine parvovirus.

Non-core vaccines for felines include:

  • FeLV- Feline Leukemia virus

Behind trauma, Feline Leukemia is the 2nd leading cause of premature death in cats, as it suppresses the cat’s immune system leaving them prone to
potentially deadly infections.