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Annual Visits

Protecting your pet means being up to date on their vaccinations and taking them in for routine checkups. Just like you should visit your primary care doctor every year, your pet should see their veterinarian each year for a wellness examination- even if your pet appears to be perfectly healthy. Preventative medicine is the best course of action to ensure their health for years to come.

We’re committed to your pet’s health and we take a comprehensive approach to helping you maintain it. From rabies vaccinations to heartworm medicine, eye exams to observing their alertness, your pet is always going to get top-notch care from our team. Take a look at some of the comprehensive health assessments we’re pleased to offer in addition to dog and cat vaccinations:

  • Checking and cleaning the ears, treating if required
  • Checking joints and mobility
  • Checking skin and condition of coat
  • Dental examination
  • Eye examination
  • Auscultation of heart and lungs (via stethoscope)
  • Observation of alertness and response
  • Palpate the abdomen checking for painful areas and/or growths or tumors
  • Physical examination of the rest of the body for unusual lumps
  • Weight check (unintentional weight loss or gain can be an early indicator of a medical issue)
  • Testing for illnesses

Sometimes, there’s cause for concern that your pet may be suffering from a condition that’s not obvious on a routine examination. In many cases, we’ll be able to pick up on symptoms and recommend additional testing to get to the root of a problem. Some common tests include:

  • Heartworm and tick-borne disease testing for dogs (Lyme disease, Ehrlichia, Anaplasmosis)
  • Infectious viral disease testing for at-risk cats (Feline leukemia and Feline immunodeficiency virus)
  • Fecal evaluation for intestinal parasites
  • Urinalysis evaluation to check many values from like concentration, crystals, glucose, and much more

Depending on your pet’s age, we may recommend bloodwork for your pet. Bloodwork is one of our most valuable diagnostic tool, as it tells us how their internal organs are functioning. Even if your pet looks great and appears healthy, bloodwork will tell us for sure.